Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Best Camcorder For Action


Yesterday Martadero performed at the tribute to the great Victor Hugo Viscarra, in this tribute were presented readings of texts inspired by the writer's work Paceño his servant dared to present one, the left to see what you think.

Compadre Compadre, what do you do when you can not even bear the body?, "Look as I have left my friend?, At least they would not have removed the jacket, at least it would echo face to one side to hold your breath so close to vomiting and blood. Not be so bloody as you lift me and take me away from the cold, to take a bottle or take a dish my friend, to fill this soul little by little we have it so, so empty.

How many were there, buddy? "," One, two, maybe three?, Can not remember if we went down and climbed, did you saw them coming?, Because I not only felt the punches and kicks close to the chest there and then a friend impotence, an impotence as big as the night, a helplessness at being so drunk, not being able to life, not power with the thugs who busted his face, what bastards we were compadre, how dumb itself is the life! Look

far buddy, look at the heels of pecking the sidewalk sluts, black smoke from a food stall crawling through the air. And some dogs beyond dipping their noses in a lot of garbage and an old woman with thin arms rooting them in the dirt. I would like to get closer to the neon lights hanging from the johns, as the dust go back to the bar to pour the sadness and replace it with liquor.

already feel that we are part of street is filthy, man. It seems that our skin is the frost on the ground and our mouths latrines where it evaporates slowly our existence. We are the black water pouring from a broken sewer. We can only hope the morning comes to us clear as black spots. And people good deal of this street, and we along with the moths and the whores like ashes fuguemos us to places protected from the sun to wait for more falls after dark to leave the nest again to fill the clubs with our voices and our shadows.

I would like to help, man. I like to help. But that can not, with the will split into two nothing can. Do not sleep, man. Do not sleep. Out there I have a few pesos to continue sucking. I can not sleep my friend, that is not yet time to go the other night at the deepest. You have many things to say buddy, you are many things to do. And if so, at least wait for me buddy, so that together like birds of Malaguera'll fly on these miserable streets. Singing and laughing buddy. Singing and laughing.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Rash On Back Looks Like Scrathes

find, misplaced military group in Honduras

A diverse and large number of insults get stuck in my throat at the savagery committed in Honduras. At this point several Central American country towns are isolated and without power following the coup d'etat Democratic government of President Zelaya. Apparently the extreme right in this country could not find another way than violence. Been used as an excuse a referendum that was to be developed for "ask" (with quotation marks within this notice that he was not forcing anyone) the people of Honduras a change in its constitution to allow Zelaya was present again in their next election. Anyone in their right mind would seem a legitimate but it was not for those selfish oligarchs who have finally run out of ideas and have opted for barbarism.

Unfortunately for them not yet invented a time machine and never come back to the years of dictatorship, where corrupt military and purchased whipped killed and our people with impunity. The world has changed for the better, and given back to this group dislocated military neophyte. Even USA, (as a supporter of Latin American dictatorships) gave their support. So bear with people Honduran's gaffe will not last long. And for the oligarchic groups scattered throughout South America, pudranse! and learn to get things the way the law ...

Thursday, June 25, 2009

My Cat Has Started Peeing Everywhere

Goodbye Michael ... This San Juan

We was Michael Jackson ... so far I can hardly believe it, it seems like yesterday when I was 4 years old and I spent hours glued to the cassette player off-key singing "Just beat it" or when he was a infant-puberty and reaches the record store for "Dangerous" or the time you try to get the baby step "Billie Jean" in front of my friends and I was like an idiot. Those were good times, now it has been to remember. Black and white, rich-poor, Michael was gone, and Henceforth we can only remember and remember the music and the memories that we left. Because more than one person to die I think we killed a whole era ...

Here I give you a good theme for the heart and the ear ...

Monday, June 22, 2009

Mount And Blade Party Growing

In San Juan I pay tribute to the Bengalita, spark or star (as known as department in each region or country). I remember the first time I had one in my hands (should be about 5 years), I thought I was king of the universe then try to grab the glittering and ZAZ burn me. The following year, when it was correctly trained in their use, I liked to throw it as far as possible, watching her light up cross that cold moche park on the floor where it still shines. My biggest was to launch a record five times before it went out. I do not know a lot of fireworks, but the "star" has a character, kind, encouraging and fun to the great co-eternal, firecrackers, fire rings bulbs and never have. Turn one and then run like an idiot while you're doing lines of light in the darkness gives you a freedom unimaginable. And just when he is about to end his life incandescent use it to light another, so the fun never ends, oh, if life were that simple! If you can cycle to fire two at a time and play to draw figures of light. Finally, please at this San Juan lit our "sparks" and know that if it touches an icy night you can chill your ass you can always have a light in his hand to guide your steps.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Unterschied Emu Wool Und Emu Bronte

What makes the cold

One night you go running to your house died of cold with only a shirt on top and you left early. You arrive at your door and find it closed, looking for your keys and there is nothing. Ring the bell, hit the door but nobody goes, just your dogs of course can not open up, so I decided to wait patiently for someone in your family come to your rescue while these echo a penguin in the middle of the street. The minutes pass and nothing, but a cold wind that freezes your pants, take out your cell phone. First call your dear mother and tell her you can not go, then says "but the son You should take the key, I'm in the market and there is a trancadera", that will not avail. Still with your dad and that's the same at work and going to take, you continue with your brothers, you do not answer and the other gives you a putazo "Why shit you forget the key?". Look around the whole block is empty, no one who can help you out and you too embarrassed to knock on the door and ask a neighbor to let you go. Then think "to hell I jump the fence ", the view is not very high, but is covered by a vine and some points in the pit, any child over 10 years, the jump in less than a minute, but of course as you have the agility a cow costs about 5 minutes you reach the half, just high street is full of people, spend some ladies who look at you faced thief. but decided to finish your mission and make a final effort to reach the top, right when you move your leg to the other side you hear a delicate crunch, it's your trousers has been hooked on one end, you regret the action taken and decide to turn back but this makes things worse, the rustle is heard louder this time and feel a chill airesito the bottom, (this add that the ladies of long ago will continue to see), desperately trying to unbutton your pants with one hand and you slide dropping like a sack of potatoes just above a bush hydrangeas pay for your stupidity. Your dog is so good that you are jumping and licking his face, get up slowly you put a hand on your pants pocket and what are shattered?, The key!, Puteas in silence and later, when the door is opening arrive in the room tojpa all your family members, saying "but we should have expected" ... yes, the things that makes the cold

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Honey Beige Paint Lowes

special report on the conflict in theaters

After several altercations in the various theaters of the country, in which dozens were reported injured, most for spicy nachos and hot butter, government and international organizations decided to form the Research Agenda for Caution and Order in American Cinema Pipoca. To settle this select group of experts that included: directors, journalists, sociologists, ushers and manufacturers of chips. The first task was to enumerate the causes which had influenced those disputes, they resorted to an extensive background in literature that can highlight the books "The influence of the trailers in the fall of glasses of soda," written by Dr. Willan C. Seats, "cultural conflicts between the public audience of high and low" by Ms. Dóroti Surround Cavas and "Relations between mints and gangster movies" of the well known author Paramount Armando Villa.

was also the case study as the brawl in the early 80's in Agra, India when a cow got in the middle of the screen and nobody had the courage to tell him to do aside. Just as the crisis in the Netherlands and cold drinks the massive theft of promotional posters in Egypt. For the field research methods were used with advanced technology, microphones corn nougat, cameras infrared gum machines and touch sensors in soda straws. After 7 months, 14 premieres and 2 French film festivals, we identified the following causes:

• There is a growing trend in the public who had seen the movie tell the way to their peers.
• Excessive consumption of salsa courses in French fries and nachos.
• The poorly defined boundary between medium-large vs. Popcorn. Big-mediated Popcorn himself from the extra-large vs. Soda. Extra-large soda.
• Lack of information on the proper use of the reclining seats.
• And the continuing confusion between release and premier.

to improve the conditions of the public the following measures were proposed to be implemented in the shortest time possible, which are:

• When the film ends, you should not turn on the lights at least until the credits have come in half or otherwise no longer show the credits.
• Avoid mixing salty popcorn with candy and sell chocolate with peanuts or almonds over 18 years.
• It is advisable to create a special section in each room for the following audiences:
a) Consolidated loving couples
b) still loving couples to consolidate
c) Children rebels
d) Children are not troublemakers
e) Ladies gases
f) Gentlemen gases
g) and silent film enthusiasts

Finally Pipoca suggested to future studies that include 3D cinemas, matinees double and self-cinemas. Thanking cordially dismissed his attention

Federico Llanos Celluloid President-Pipoca

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Buttons Which Side Male/female

Bear and Dog Slaughter in Peru

A hunter and his old dog walking in the forest when suddenly a huge bear came out to meet them. The hunter picked up his rifle nervously.

- Please!, - Said the bear was not carried loaded gun (which I watched for a while know), so do not bother.

The dog began barking and ignoring the man rummaged in his pockets.

- What stubborn! - Insisted that the bear-look at this distance would be enough to stretch me a leg to get the head, try to avoid a scene so painful.

Hunter between sobs began to shake, however the dog was closer to the bear growling and barking.

- There are more tender look at that dog! - Said the bear - it's all a crook.

- What do you do? - Asked the man from hesitation.

- Why, do you think?, I'm going to eat - said the bear - and it is noon and look I'm wearing a fatal hunger.

- Nooo! - Shouted the man - do not kill me, please, I'm too young to die!

- Mmm, I do not - exclaimed the hunter bears watching closely - it seems to be a man who already has a good age, so it's getting late y. ..

- Nooo!, For God's sake, do not eat me, why not look for another food in the forest? - Beg the hunter.

- know I am very sorry, but no. I like lunch hour, you know why to make a good digestion - said the bear getting closer.

- So, then ... - Said the man looking at the sides - ... then cómase the dog, but if you take it leave it all to me.

- this puppy? - Doubting said the bear - not it cruel, it seems a good dog, look as advocates.

- I do not care, and is old and does not help - the man replied.

- No, it is also very small, it would be a great food - said the bear.

- Biber also I have something in the backpack, here's a can of beans that can be used to accompany him - said the hunter saw that the bear was not decided.

- Beans?, Give me gas, do not have a bit of mashed potatoes? - Asked the bear.

- No, I have only beans, but I'm sure he liked are imported.

- knows that, forget the matter was already getting late and I start to eat - said the bear getting impatient.

- Noooo, do not eat me, eat the dog hunter ...- snapper dropping to the floor amid a dismal cry.

- How pathetic!, Hear!, Take a bit of encouragement is terrible - said the bear - we all have to die, no need to do this tantrum.

He said no more and continued writhing on the floor amid screams.

- Listen - said the bear losing patience - Go away, forget it, and it took my appetite, you can go and please change that character will not bring no good.

At that moment the hunter stood up and started running into the bushes.

- Wait!, Do not go out there because there is a ...

heard a loud scream and then a stroke. Hours later a couple walked by the river ranger.

- Here it is! - Said first keeper - this should be the man they saw running around like crazy doing the cliff, poor.

- was shattered - answer the second Ranger - Look here comes a puppy.

approached the dog wagging the tail.

- Must be lost, the better we carry with us, see how the rogue jumps for joy.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Cannondale Grind Pants

To give us our dose of anger down the news of the massacre of at least 20 Indians and 7 police officers in the Peruvian Amazon. The reason apparently has to do with the classic and most familiar "fuck neo", ie.
I. A South American government does a great deal with a first world country (in this case the proper TLC) for the advancement and economic prosperity
II. The concerned government implements a series of rules to "implement" the intelligent treatment that have done, good deep as rules allow innocent Multinational companies are made with jungle rivers and also the territories of indigenous peoples.
III. A vece shows the small problem that Indians care to pollute their land and leave them more miserable than they are for a few Pipoca, thus making non-violent movilisaciones to show their discontent.
IV. The government is testing smart plan "stun partridge, while continues its successful policy
V. Indigenous and start to block roads pissed off waiting for the government to listen
VI. The government in its desire to seek peace, send the "emissaries of harmony" (military or police) to unlock "quietly" roads.
VII. The Indians again discuss the mistake of just sitting tear gas, rubber bullets and other instruments used by the emissaries of a good harmony. It subleban and defend, thinking in vain for human beings and deserve respect. The government is in the painful sacrifice of a little more damaging weapons which produce one or two dead.

In order goes something out there, so again we have the news of another killing. I think we should send to President Alan Garcia a greeting card for good performance and humanity.

Related Press Releases:
La Republica

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Can You Detect Std In A Urine Test

Nothing like a good virus to show our stupidity

Just yesterday I went to the library hoping you can forgive me that book I lost a couple of years ago when I was forced to enter using a mask, I said, well the new policies will be today's literature, then to return home and turn on the TV I run into big news almost 20 minutes reporting the progress of the super-pandemic AH1 N1, and I say, is it so fucked up?, during the interview they put a soundtrack of action, and images thousands dead. Then I think, Oh shit, where I buy a mask!, I'm about to run to the pharmacy when I start paying more attention to the figures argue that all his paraphernalia, realizing that there is only so of 1000 infected and about 100 people, only that, I say, not that death is nothing but as I recall the English pandemic killed 40 million people, that if it was a lady pandemic also I find that 80% of patients do not show pictures so complicated and heal and this type of virus equal to or less deadly than the flu. Why so much plucking?, I believe that as in any good business is the fear, nothing looks better on TV than the danger of a terrible illness or disaster end terrorist organization killing human life, is the perfect formula now works pretty well. And it is very disappointing considering that there are real threats in the world that does not turn out as advertised on TV, either because they went out of fashion or can not give a rating as good as the great AH1 N1. This for example diabetes that kills about 1.1 million people a year, or cancer that is on the 2.5 million deaths per year and reach 2 million AIDS. All incurable diseases but unfortunately went out of fashion and so we will not see on TV a good report of them or recommendations to avoid them. And why?, Because the Joker would say "It's all part of the plan, and while the millions of people die as generally must die (including children and young people), nothing happens there is no major problem. But if a virus is fucking hysterical to put everyone, tell them to stay in their homes, using masks all day, and live in fear. Not to minimize the danger, you should always be careful, as elsewhere, but please be so ridiculous ...

For those who do not believe me and are still concerned I leave a video illustrating the proper way to use the mouth or chin strap cover ..

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

How To Build Mudroom Shelves

was not dead was on a binge

In this life you make many mistakes, many. One of them is forgotten post as God commands and pursue other things like work, school or health you know things banal temporary. But then We thought, we realize that we have chosen the wrong way on the wrong track. And back, praying that the 3 or 2 ragamuffins we have not been read (ragamuffins please come back!).

So here we are again, trying to lift a bit this blog that almost sunk us, that I was not dead, but only on a spree ...