I am convinced that Proustian moments come when these or very drunk or very tired. As more than one year will not drink (not by choice but by my doctor), I had to wait for the shit well stirred and crushed body to get those expressions of grim reality. One in particular came yesterday while chatting with a friend. We talked about our work situations, it turns out we were both due to unemployment on the brink of infamy and prostitution, we list the work in which we had dismissed as stray dogs, along with the jobs they had rejected for not having a proposal according to our expectations survival and freedom. The conversation drifted into a long description of the "dream job" from my dear friend, plus a very extensive expose his "geek life plan." And when my patience ended and I prepared to turn off the pc and go to see an old-fashioned section of the brain to awaken simpsoms soaked, my friend came out with a question that I broke the balls leaving anon: "And you, what plans for the future? ". Surely my friend expected the same ultra-sappy spiel he said, but no, not just in case the question had gone through my innocent head. For a few moments I and my hamster brain we were tempted to think seriously, but in a small search in my database I found the perfect answer: "Look here brother, quoting Epicurus I think the future ... and depends entirely on us, nor we are totally unrelated, so we should not wait as if it had to come nor despair infallibly as if there never come ... ", to which my friend replied:" Jah ???", which time advantage to go on msn.
Already after my neurons were relaxed while watching television one hundred thousand five hundred times I thanked the good of Epicurus to let those words so wise that save from the catastrophe the likes of I, which shit easily let the day go thinking bullshit.
As they say, sometimes it's good to think, but most times not at the moment my main goal in life is to get a laburo give me enough to give me something to put the crop from time to time and get the recipe for the cheese roll. I personally find it a waste of time reflecting on the future go, God or death. Especially in the latter, I think of all the problems that can result in death, the least serious is killing us. Because breaking balls to go whole life trying to escape death, there are many who forget to live.
In order to finalize the post, I leave my aphorism bookmark this Greek philosopher and a song 5 stars.
"Get used to think that death is nothing to us. For every good and evil lies in the sensation, and death is the privation of feeling. Therefore, the right knowledge that nothing is for death makes us happy the mortal condition of our lives, not because you add an unlimited period, but it eliminates the desire for immortality. Nothing, therefore, fearless in living for those who rightly understood that nothing terrible in not living there. (Letter to Meneceo , 124) "
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