Life is falling down and getting up, forward, forward, and never p'atras p'adelante always, if you stumble and you come to low straighten the body, and continue to shake the dust. That I heard about, but what happens if you do not really fall?, What do you do if only you stopped and no apparent reason and left to move?, If you stare at the picture with eyes and mouth open stunted . If you stay at home to do nothing and say nothing. Perhaps lit the pc from time to time and came to your facebook account, but it was not even for a normal person, who writes a sappy message to friends or upload a picture with a commentary soda ioo, ioo again , no. Just came in to see the photos of strangers, again and again sipped splatter of the lives of others. If when you book in question, were you just want to re-read novels that you had already read before, but with the brain so sleepy that you could barely chew a few paragraphs of Harry Potter, whether in Harry Potter!, So serious was thing. Thus
let the months pass, falling into the spiral of laziness, where you spend the dvd player summing series as Seinfeld, Friends, and Two and a Half Men, so much but so much that you learn the dialogues by heart. The hamster in your head not only left his rusty wheel but also gain weight by eating twenty kilos Music Pop, spiced and seasoned with Reggeton Cumbia. Without a shred of a healthy Rock or Jazz. Finish turned into a vampire laziness with a single hint of social contact he melts the body. Your official uniform is a pair of pajamas and your dogs start to get confused because they think they're part of the living room couch.
And why do you stop that?, Can be awkward because of the soul that one has, as always slow to assimilate the changes that life brings and adapt rather than be thrown to the ground like a neurotic child and makes a tantrum. Or maybe the fault of the body, that is not capable of supporting worthy illness and early treatment is rare lulls intimidated and under a shell invisible only to poke his head from time to time.
The consequences of these appalling detention are carried by blogs like this, which just raised timidly flight is ripping the wings with one of those high-caliber rifles with more than 10 months of neglect.
Anyway, enough of fuss, it's time to take a self-kick for segir walk, where? Not, but it is better to go for an unknown road circling to stay in the same place so to make oil diet and the hamster wheel. Open the coffin of lethargy, removed his pajamas and agree with the sins of idleness. Remove the plant wilts in the sun and wait for the leaves revive, and write, write, write. Praying that there is still someone who is on a tour of the blog.
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