Unlike others I hate Sundays and holidays, since one of the philosophies of my family is that those days are to tidy up the house as well as normal people spend their precious hours of freedom to the relaxation and pleasure, I will tell my pigsty room to see if I can stop the disorder that reigns there. I remember a memorable Sunday in which I woke up early and started the hard work when you first break of dawn. Confine myself to the basics, brush the dust (I think it went the Sahara desert of my floor), lift forgotten dozen vessels (with foreign content and macerated), empty the suitcase from a trip he had made for months (where I found a variety biological growing). Finally after hours of laborious delivery ended and just as I intended to lie down and enjoy my accomplishment hear the musical voice of my mother, asking me to bathe the dog. I do not know why I swam, he is happy dirty, I'm happy without washing, we are all happy, but we need to traumatize the poor animal (of course I speak of the dog.) First try to bring my good offices as a negotiator, argued that the dog in question is black and gives the same if it is dirty or clean, but this does not help much when my mother cry over it or was threatening the dog or was I But someone was going to end up in the trunks of the courtyard. So I decided to heed the order humbly. Find the animal and it was difficult, not what happens to my dog \u200b\u200bbecause when I say, "sit" or "no you do on the court "does not understand nor jack, but just hear the word" swim "away from home. I had to look in every dark corner until I found him under the bed, I call, nothing. I offered him a juicy piece of meat, and nothing. As far as threatening death and refused to come out, finally had to stretch out a leg and after a wrestling session could subdue him and take him to court. But once he saw the swimsuit was shown to have a supernatural force broke away, ran after him but with my agility feature I will approach or a meter. As a strategy I decided to use the hose, it worked pretty well I managed to corner him against the wall and using my soap brand bolivar rub it well behind and in front, had to skip any number of fleas and end all chewed and scratched skin but had done so. Rinsed once said, "see and bathe you idiot, now what you gonna do?" Shot my dog \u200b\u200bjumped up and went straight to a mound where he rolled freely and joyfully. I swallowed my anger and turned to attack the hose, but just as I approached the unfortunate dog came flying and went straight to my room that my stupidity had left open, paste the cry and followed it, when between what I found on my shaking off all the mud bed above him. My room was a mess echo. That was all a memorable Sunday.
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