remember the college days as a time of mixed experiences, of which always ended up sticking the hysteria, all these papers, exams, reports and practices greatly detracted my spirit and saddened by the pressure of leaving high school. Among the worst things that had to bear was that of going out to class on time, not happening to me but since the beginning of my first semester my small delays of 5 or 10 minutes had been developing into whole hours, which ends up with disheveled hair when class was over. I decided to carry out endless measures to prevent my tardiness, slept with jeans post, put the alarm an hour earlier, or breakfast in the "road." It said that the arrangements made were for much besides choke on a piece of bread did not get the microphone to reduce my procrastination. It was a morning where I woke up with batteries installed, which do not eat breakfast, I dressed in what I found and left home the sun was just emerging.
looked at my watch and could not believe it, finally went out early, I remember the odd tear from my cheek hovered victory. Upon reaching the street I did a count of my belongings, I remembered having forgotten my calculus book and my glasses, but I did not care, the end of the day could not be perfect. They say that God helps him who gets up early and it is true, for the first time in my college life trufi catch a taxi to an empty seat, was paradise. I came up with a smile worthy of the Joker that can be more malicious. I told all passengers good day and I lay down to await the end of the trip. Almost halfway a classmate got sitting next to me was a girl I liked and I had never been encouraged to speak. My disbelief at my good fortune was much higher, that opportunity is to meet tangible. Just when I meant to say something, a little red light on to me, the hamster in my head had to stumble in their conference because I go blank, I realized that not only had forgotten the glasses and the book of calculation, if but also the wallet. I ask, how shit was going to pay my ticket? Urge terrified in my pockets hoping to find a coin but there was nothing but a lot of fluff and a phone card.
Almost immediately I noticed the driver (which incidentally was sitting next to me), was a young man with muscular arms and a tattoo of the barracks in their hands, swallow some saliva and began to weigh the options I had. I could go for option A, stop the taxi and run as trufi thief to see if it hit me. Option B was head down and beg for mercy. There was also the option C and borrow the money to my classmate (who did not know me) and look like an idiot. I decided for option B, but I get off at the university, but wait until all passengers were lowered to non-witnesses bochorno, (en especial mi compañera de clase), cuando el vehiculo se quedo vació (ya casi llegando a la parada a varios kilómetros de la universidad), hice parar el taxi-trufi, apreté fuerte un lapicero como arma de defensa y confesé al chofer mi iliquidez económica.
Para mi sorpresa el tipo resulto ser un hombre compresivo, no hubo los putazos o patadas voladoras que esperaba, sólo se rió como desquiciado, “en otra me lo paga joven” me dijo y dejo que me vaya. Hice una maratón tipo 20 cuadras estilo libre hasta la universidad, miraba el reloj y me decía, “aún hay tiempo, aún llegas”, cuando al fin me topo con la puerta la encuentro cerrada y con una notita attached to the front "Classes are suspended today by medical ailments teacher, thank you for your understanding." I throw a kick to a stone infused and began the long walk home was limping and his head bowed. Those college days when they were good times.
** ** Among other things
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