In life there are a number of pains and bitterness that we are expecting over time and will certainly reach us sooner or later: Missed disease, economic hardship and heartbreak are part of the menu that any human being regardless of status or race suffer. However, and before a bleak picture most of us have (or try to take) a happy and carefree. We all know that we will die some day, we believe we will get many troubles in the future, we attach great importance and we continue, we are pulling pa 'lante, as we say. Good attitude is what life is strange, is a skill, which I think we took in our nature. Life is a misery after another!, What the hell, you live the day and now, if tomorrow comes the apocalypse or plague, worry me at the time. Without embarking today I witnessed that in certain circumstances the philosophy falls apart. It happened this afternoon in my German classes, had bought a chopper (saca puntas) de lápices marca RENCAI ( no saben la emoción que me envuelve estrenar las cosas), así que saqué el relucientemente adminículo en medio del aula pero cuando metí un lápiz y le di vuelta, escuché un CRAC y el tajador chino de mierda apareció roto en mis manos. Entonces, mientras puteaba como un cavernícola frente a mi profesora de alemán, se me ilumino, me di cuenta que a pesar de nuestra innata habilidad de sortear los grandes problemas de la vida, no se puede hacer nada con los pequeños. Me di cuenta de que estamos condenados a que determinadas “pequeñeces”, nos jodan el día y no hay nada por hacer. El calentamiento global fue predicho por Nostradamus, ¿pero qué about my chopper?, nobody saw it coming, and nobody (apart from Chinese shit that joined him) is to blame. Try to think of the continuity of the universe, the Stoics, in Michael Jackson but found no solace. On leaving school I decided to list the "baubles of shit" that one may end up breaking balls:
I. That ruin your just Walkman headphones when you're out traveling.
II. Stepping on the s of a dog and tell when you've already entered your room and gone to bed.
III. Be a super flu, being your nostrils Niagara Falls but you do not have or tissue and not an inch of paper.
IV. Find with a friend (a) on the street, say hello and then realize that he or she does not remember you.
V. Close Word accidentally while building work for hours and not save.
VI. Wanting to look like a Russian diver and give it a panzazo the pool water.
VII. Discover that for years I had put a nickname like "the frog".
VIII. Spend Saturday night watching the giant with Grandma and then find out that your friends threw a party and not call you.
IX. Entering a restaurant pay in advance and then find out that lunch is
X. feet stew And lastly, that you halve the chopper again with the first pencil.
** ** Among other things
"Finally tomorrow I go see Harry Potter, I know what you say, literature Light shit, but that he will do if you can not beat them join them
- It took us to Lake Titicaca from the" Seven Wonders " So to hell, for me always was and will be the world's most impressive lake.
- It seems that winter is going, I think I can start to lower the 8 blankets they sleep.
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