After several altercations in the various theaters of the country, in which dozens were reported injured, most for spicy nachos and hot butter, government and international organizations decided to form the Research Agenda for Caution and Order in American Cinema Pipoca. To settle this select group of experts that included: directors, journalists, sociologists, ushers and manufacturers of chips. The first task was to enumerate the causes which had influenced those disputes, they resorted to an extensive background in literature that can highlight the books "The influence of the trailers in the fall of glasses of soda," written by Dr. Willan C. Seats, "cultural conflicts between the public audience of high and low" by Ms. Dóroti Surround Cavas and "Relations between mints and gangster movies" of the well known author Paramount Armando Villa.
was also the case study as the brawl in the early 80's in Agra, India when a cow got in the middle of the screen and nobody had the courage to tell him to do aside. Just as the crisis in the Netherlands and cold drinks the massive theft of promotional posters in Egypt. For the field research methods were used with advanced technology, microphones corn nougat, cameras infrared gum machines and touch sensors in soda straws. After 7 months, 14 premieres and 2 French film festivals, we identified the following causes:
• There is a growing trend in the public who had seen the movie tell the way to their peers.
• Excessive consumption of salsa courses in French fries and nachos.
• The poorly defined boundary between medium-large vs. Popcorn. Big-mediated Popcorn himself from the extra-large vs. Soda. Extra-large soda.
• Lack of information on the proper use of the reclining seats.
• And the continuing confusion between release and premier.
to improve the conditions of the public the following measures were proposed to be implemented in the shortest time possible, which are:
• When the film ends, you should not turn on the lights at least until the credits have come in half or otherwise no longer show the credits.
• Avoid mixing salty popcorn with candy and sell chocolate with peanuts or almonds over 18 years.
• It is advisable to create a special section in each room for the following audiences:
a) Consolidated loving couples
b) still loving couples to consolidate
c) Children rebels
d) Children are not troublemakers
e) Ladies gases
f) Gentlemen gases
g) and silent film enthusiasts
Finally Pipoca suggested to future studies that include 3D cinemas, matinees double and self-cinemas. Thanking cordially dismissed his attention
Federico Llanos Celluloid President-Pipoca
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