A hunter and his old dog walking in the forest when suddenly a huge bear came out to meet them. The hunter picked up his rifle nervously.
- Please!, - Said the bear was not carried loaded gun (which I watched for a while know), so do not bother.
The dog began barking and ignoring the man rummaged in his pockets.
- What stubborn! - Insisted that the bear-look at this distance would be enough to stretch me a leg to get the head, try to avoid a scene so painful.
Hunter between sobs began to shake, however the dog was closer to the bear growling and barking.
- There are more tender look at that dog! - Said the bear - it's all a crook.
- What do you do? - Asked the man from hesitation.
- Why, do you think?, I'm going to eat - said the bear - and it is noon and look I'm wearing a fatal hunger.
- Nooo! - Shouted the man - do not kill me, please, I'm too young to die!
- Mmm, I do not - exclaimed the hunter bears watching closely - it seems to be a man who already has a good age, so it's getting late y. ..
- Nooo!, For God's sake, do not eat me, why not look for another food in the forest? - Beg the hunter.
- know I am very sorry, but no. I like lunch hour, you know why to make a good digestion - said the bear getting closer.
- So, then ... - Said the man looking at the sides - ... then cómase the dog, but if you take it leave it all to me.
- this puppy? - Doubting said the bear - not it cruel, it seems a good dog, look as advocates.
- I do not care, and is old and does not help - the man replied.
- No, it is also very small, it would be a great food - said the bear.
- Biber also I have something in the backpack, here's a can of beans that can be used to accompany him - said the hunter saw that the bear was not decided.
- Beans?, Give me gas, do not have a bit of mashed potatoes? - Asked the bear.
- No, I have only beans, but I'm sure he liked are imported.
- knows that, forget the matter was already getting late and I start to eat - said the bear getting impatient.
- Noooo, do not eat me, eat the dog hunter ...- snapper dropping to the floor amid a dismal cry.
- How pathetic!, Hear!, Take a bit of encouragement is terrible - said the bear - we all have to die, no need to do this tantrum.
He said no more and continued writhing on the floor amid screams.
- Listen - said the bear losing patience - Go away, forget it, and it took my appetite, you can go and please change that character will not bring no good.
At that moment the hunter stood up and started running into the bushes.
- Wait!, Do not go out there because there is a ...
heard a loud scream and then a stroke. Hours later a couple walked by the river ranger.
- Here it is! - Said first keeper - this should be the man they saw running around like crazy doing the cliff, poor.
- was shattered - answer the second Ranger - Look here comes a puppy.
approached the dog wagging the tail.
- Must be lost, the better we carry with us, see how the rogue jumps for joy.
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