To give us our dose of anger down the news of the massacre of at least 20 Indians and 7 police officers in the Peruvian Amazon. The reason apparently has to do with the classic and most familiar "fuck neo", ie.
I. A South American government does a great deal with a first world country (in this case the proper TLC) for the advancement and economic prosperity
II. The concerned government implements a series of rules to "implement" the intelligent treatment that have done, good deep as rules allow innocent Multinational companies are made with jungle rivers and also the territories of indigenous peoples.
III. A vece shows the small problem that Indians care to pollute their land and leave them more miserable than they are for a few Pipoca, thus making non-violent movilisaciones to show their discontent.
IV. The government is testing smart plan "stun partridge, while continues its successful policy
V. Indigenous and start to block roads pissed off waiting for the government to listen
VI. The government in its desire to seek peace, send the "emissaries of harmony" (military or police) to unlock "quietly" roads.
VII. The Indians again discuss the mistake of just sitting tear gas, rubber bullets and other instruments used by the emissaries of a good harmony. It subleban and defend, thinking in vain for human beings and deserve respect. The government is in the painful sacrifice of a little more damaging weapons which produce one or two dead.
In order goes something out there, so again we have the news of another killing. I think we should send to President Alan Garcia a greeting card for good performance and humanity.

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