Sunday, July 26, 2009

How Do I Set My Honeywell Radiator Thermostat

While rain is often associated with sadness, rainy days for me have always been most welcome. I find no better feeling than to remain standing under the eaves of a house looking like thousands of drops are crashing in the middle of the street. And after last rain there's nothing more peaceful than walking under a clean air and surrounded by the smell of damp earth. Today, after months of drought, the rain has come to my city, I was surprised because usually just beginning to rain between September and August. I remember when I arrived in Cochabamba, about 17 years ago or so (uh, how old I am!), The city was a little wild, there was still many rivers and lakes in the colonial era, one could easily find its garden frogs, snails, dragonflies and even small snakes. The rains were so perfect, not like now that if there is a miserable rain that wets your neck or is a storm that ends up flooding the streets. In those days it rained enough to make their breeding frogs and tadpoles for the beetles leave the ground to fly over the grass.

Today, the city is already fully developed, the only wildlife to be found are the rats that come out at night to sniff for landfills. Even so, the rain has not ceased to be beautiful. Rain somehow manages to show the true face of a city, loud and intense tones are replaced by gray and quiet, the streets are stripped of people and find exactly what they are. It would seem that everything was renovated to change. I think that is the true essence of the transformation rain. One example is the use to which it has been in the cinema. Are such as Almodovar's films in which the rain is a catalyst for the characters to move from a state to another, as when the son of Manuela in "All About My Mother" is hit or when Alice in "Talk to Her" is in a coma. In "The Shawshank Redemption" serves as a purifying rain when Andy Dufresne escapes from prison by a filthy sewer to freedom. Another example is "Rashomon" where rainfall embodies the cruelty of the world surrounding the characters as they discuss the murder of a man. And finally we have "Magnolia" in the end there is a rain of frogs as a synonym of punishment and redemption of the characters and the implausibility of his actions.

Everything shows that the rain is one of the strangest phenomena there. I have always believed that a wet year will be a year of many changes. And in the end it's always good to change. In closing I leave the scene of a film which shows my adoration for rain.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Guess Coat Buttons By Manufacture


In life there are a number of pains and bitterness that we are expecting over time and will certainly reach us sooner or later: Missed disease, economic hardship and heartbreak are part of the menu that any human being regardless of status or race suffer. However, and before a bleak picture most of us have (or try to take) a happy and carefree. We all know that we will die some day, we believe we will get many troubles in the future, we attach great importance and we continue, we are pulling pa 'lante, as we say. Good attitude is what life is strange, is a skill, which I think we took in our nature. Life is a misery after another!, What the hell, you live the day and now, if tomorrow comes the apocalypse or plague, worry me at the time. Without embarking today I witnessed that in certain circumstances the philosophy falls apart. It happened this afternoon in my German classes, had bought a chopper (saca puntas) de lápices marca RENCAI ( no saben la emoción que me envuelve estrenar las cosas), así que saqué el relucientemente adminículo en medio del aula pero cuando metí un lápiz y le di vuelta, escuché un CRAC y el tajador chino de mierda apareció roto en mis manos. Entonces, mientras puteaba como un cavernícola frente a mi profesora de alemán, se me ilumino, me di cuenta que a pesar de nuestra innata habilidad de sortear los grandes problemas de la vida, no se puede hacer nada con los pequeños. Me di cuenta de que estamos condenados a que determinadas “pequeñeces”, nos jodan el día y no hay nada por hacer. El calentamiento global fue predicho por Nostradamus, ¿pero qué about my chopper?, nobody saw it coming, and nobody (apart from Chinese shit that joined him) is to blame. Try to think of the continuity of the universe, the Stoics, in Michael Jackson but found no solace. On leaving school I decided to list the "baubles of shit" that one may end up breaking balls:

I. That ruin your just Walkman headphones when you're out traveling.
II. Stepping on the s of a dog and tell when you've already entered your room and gone to bed.
III. Be a super flu, being your nostrils Niagara Falls but you do not have or tissue and not an inch of paper.
IV. Find with a friend (a) on the street, say hello and then realize that he or she does not remember you.
V. Close Word accidentally while building work for hours and not save.
VI. Wanting to look like a Russian diver and give it a panzazo the pool water.
VII. Discover that for years I had put a nickname like "the frog".
VIII. Spend Saturday night watching the giant with Grandma and then find out that your friends threw a party and not call you.
IX. Entering a restaurant pay in advance and then find out that lunch is
X. feet stew And lastly, that you halve the chopper again with the first pencil.

** ** Among other things
"Finally tomorrow I go see Harry Potter, I know what you say, literature Light shit, but that he will do if you can not beat them join them
- It took us to Lake Titicaca from the" Seven Wonders " So to hell, for me always was and will be the world's most impressive lake.
- It seems that winter is going, I think I can start to lower the 8 blankets they sleep.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Glucose Test Strips For Science Experiments

Me and my stupid wallet

remember the college days as a time of mixed experiences, of which always ended up sticking the hysteria, all these papers, exams, reports and practices greatly detracted my spirit and saddened by the pressure of leaving high school. Among the worst things that had to bear was that of going out to class on time, not happening to me but since the beginning of my first semester my small delays of 5 or 10 minutes had been developing into whole hours, which ends up with disheveled hair when class was over. I decided to carry out endless measures to prevent my tardiness, slept with jeans post, put the alarm an hour earlier, or breakfast in the "road." It said that the arrangements made were for much besides choke on a piece of bread did not get the microphone to reduce my procrastination. It was a morning where I woke up with batteries installed, which do not eat breakfast, I dressed in what I found and left home the sun was just emerging.

looked at my watch and could not believe it, finally went out early, I remember the odd tear from my cheek hovered victory. Upon reaching the street I did a count of my belongings, I remembered having forgotten my calculus book and my glasses, but I did not care, the end of the day could not be perfect. They say that God helps him who gets up early and it is true, for the first time in my college life trufi catch a taxi to an empty seat, was paradise. I came up with a smile worthy of the Joker that can be more malicious. I told all passengers good day and I lay down to await the end of the trip. Almost halfway a classmate got sitting next to me was a girl I liked and I had never been encouraged to speak. My disbelief at my good fortune was much higher, that opportunity is to meet tangible. Just when I meant to say something, a little red light on to me, the hamster in my head had to stumble in their conference because I go blank, I realized that not only had forgotten the glasses and the book of calculation, if but also the wallet. I ask, how shit was going to pay my ticket? Urge terrified in my pockets hoping to find a coin but there was nothing but a lot of fluff and a phone card.

Almost immediately I noticed the driver (which incidentally was sitting next to me), was a young man with muscular arms and a tattoo of the barracks in their hands, swallow some saliva and began to weigh the options I had. I could go for option A, stop the taxi and run as trufi thief to see if it hit me. Option B was head down and beg for mercy. There was also the option C and borrow the money to my classmate (who did not know me) and look like an idiot. I decided for option B, but I get off at the university, but wait until all passengers were lowered to non-witnesses bochorno, (en especial mi compañera de clase), cuando el vehiculo se quedo vació (ya casi llegando a la parada a varios kilómetros de la universidad), hice parar el taxi-trufi, apreté fuerte un lapicero como arma de defensa y confesé al chofer mi iliquidez económica.

Para mi sorpresa el tipo resulto ser un hombre compresivo, no hubo los putazos o patadas voladoras que esperaba, sólo se rió como desquiciado, “en otra me lo paga joven” me dijo y dejo que me vaya. Hice una maratón tipo 20 cuadras estilo libre hasta la universidad, miraba el reloj y me decía, “aún hay tiempo, aún llegas”, cuando al fin me topo con la puerta la encuentro cerrada y con una notita attached to the front "Classes are suspended today by medical ailments teacher, thank you for your understanding." I throw a kick to a stone infused and began the long walk home was limping and his head bowed. Those college days when they were good times.

** ** Among other things
"We are almost three weeks since MJ left and go over 50 times throughout their discography, I think that's enough of the tax, now I can go back to my cumbion ... (lie case case) of Twitter
"This raises many questions still me, I did user, I have Followers and Following but not so well to understand works exactly.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Poultry Wholesale Prices

What's with the floggers?

In this cyber jungle of social networks in which I have declared an avid blogger, liabilities and twitterer facebookers novice, I found a group that has called me to reflect: the floggers. Perhaps the most familiar with the peculiarities of this tribe but for those who do not give them a brief summary.

Apparently all started in one of the varieties of the fotologs blog, photo blogs are where each user has a website where you can be publishing your photographs. At first these platforms were of photographers and photography fans who used their spaces to show occasional interesting picture, but gradually the fotologs began to be invaded by people who began using them to promote themselves, ranging commenting Fotologs other users (but not known), with the aim that these will return the Please comment yours. This group began to have some special characteristics compared with other types of blogs that are

- The design, have a support graphic that reminds you of a seedy nightclub type "Fill Maxi Productions."

- The photos are of the same author in different poses and places. The most graceful they are removed with little clothing or ball (ie nudity). And those who have not been blessed by nature bone ugly, make no angle where they see the big nose or the huge roll in the belly.

- The spelling is a blow to the liver, so much so that it appears that their goal is that language will disappear and return to inform us as apes.

- Comments or signatures are so hollow that could be summarized in three sentences "chida pic (pic refers to the picture)," pazadditta here "and" Oh, you pasaas goor? "(Goor tells anyone who has gone through his flog).

- The author's comments always end with a "pretty OK sign" and almost never exceeds three lines.

- They use excessive emoticons (smiley nones) and sections such as "* Annita *
cσρчяιgн τ © 2009-love & disillucion" (shit that's that.)

- Most are teenagers aged 12 to 17 years (though I found one or two misplaced thirties there).

- only interested to sign his guestbook or add your Flog your favorites list no matter what you know to use only three words in your vocabulary or you are uglier than Pici.

- This is a typical comment in a flog:
"aah leendaa peeQqaa.! heehee buueenO
aand aazi zin muuzhaa inzzpiraazion
aazhi meejOr qee zaabeez vOee qee mee tthe
qeerO meel aah & & nO laa Olvideez
deevOlveer pOzztthh!
eezpeerO een mee tthe metroflog buueenOi eeh! AahOraa
zi qee mee voee aandeez lomejoor tee dee
muucho "What the hell


In Argentina, the group has become a true urban tribe, which are distinguished by their dress, music and dance. More or less anything.

We can find in the pages of Fotolog or Metroflog , the latter is used in Bolivia. One more thing to add is that many, but many and growing every day. So my thinking is that if you are a retrograde move that will make us all stupid or is a new form of expression. I'll stick with the first, (being a personal opinion) because I think that this phenomenon is based solely on the frivolity and ignorance.

Auto Electro Luminescent Backlight With Afterglow

June meeting

In recent days we met to eat tamales, empanadas, pizza and locro. For when we met again and are TACOS ?????????????????

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Markham Pediatrician Accepting Patients

Confessions, confessions

friend I thank you for making me camels participate in this chain of honesty that is not where it came from or where it goes. And which I have decided to participate devotedly. The question is, is to make a decalogue confessed and honest self, so there are small and humble is my list: 1 When

3 years had a heart attack almost killed the lady who took care of us me and my brother when he awoke in the middle of the night singing like a madman "Beat it" by MJ The fact it happened again several times until my parents had to music allowing me time until I took off like crazy.

2'm very, very distracted while a late rather than get me a taxi-trufi, I went to a private car.

3 The boy was a loner, I used to play alone in my room with imaginary friends, my parents practically tossed me into the street in the hope that I become sociable but people really terrified me.

4 The worst mischief in adolescence was spit out the order of the director, I discovered just as I was with salivary loungers completely exhausted, I had to clean the fucking car with my shirt.

5 The most interesting work and overwhelming that I was managing a cemetery.

6 Once just after going to the store to buy a car chicolac abuse me, I fainted and woke up in the same car that had hit me. When I asked if it hurt or needed something, ask if they had seen the chicolac.

7 At school I used to make wall newspapers and magazines, he dreamed of being a writer but when the time between the Engineering, until now I regret it.

8 (ie if was severe) A friend who studied systems showed me how to hack msn accounts, stole mail and saw many friends. Then the guilt consumed me and I was a rat.

9 In recent months I have been suffering from a horrible disease that has changed my life.

10 Not because since I have little fear of bursting balloons when I tried to take my phobia but I think I will pursue until the end of my days.

Esito would thank you for your attention.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Humorous Email Confidentiality Statement

A memorable Sunday

Unlike others I hate Sundays and holidays, since one of the philosophies of my family is that those days are to tidy up the house as well as normal people spend their precious hours of freedom to the relaxation and pleasure, I will tell my pigsty room to see if I can stop the disorder that reigns there. I remember a memorable Sunday in which I woke up early and started the hard work when you first break of dawn. Confine myself to the basics, brush the dust (I think it went the Sahara desert of my floor), lift forgotten dozen vessels (with foreign content and macerated), empty the suitcase from a trip he had made for months (where I found a variety biological growing). Finally after hours of laborious delivery ended and just as I intended to lie down and enjoy my accomplishment hear the musical voice of my mother, asking me to bathe the dog. I do not know why I swam, he is happy dirty, I'm happy without washing, we are all happy, but we need to traumatize the poor animal (of course I speak of the dog.) First try to bring my good offices as a negotiator, argued that the dog in question is black and gives the same if it is dirty or clean, but this does not help much when my mother cry over it or was threatening the dog or was I But someone was going to end up in the trunks of the courtyard. So I decided to heed the order humbly. Find the animal and it was difficult, not what happens to my dog \u200b\u200bbecause when I say, "sit" or "no you do on the court "does not understand nor jack, but just hear the word" swim "away from home. I had to look in every dark corner until I found him under the bed, I call, nothing. I offered him a juicy piece of meat, and nothing. As far as threatening death and refused to come out, finally had to stretch out a leg and after a wrestling session could subdue him and take him to court. But once he saw the swimsuit was shown to have a supernatural force broke away, ran after him but with my agility feature I will approach or a meter. As a strategy I decided to use the hose, it worked pretty well I managed to corner him against the wall and using my soap brand bolivar rub it well behind and in front, had to skip any number of fleas and end all chewed and scratched skin but had done so. Rinsed once said, "see and bathe you idiot, now what you gonna do?" Shot my dog \u200b\u200bjumped up and went straight to a mound where he rolled freely and joyfully. I swallowed my anger and turned to attack the hose, but just as I approached the unfortunate dog came flying and went straight to my room that my stupidity had left open, paste the cry and followed it, when between what I found on my shaking off all the mud bed above him. My room was a mess echo. That was all a memorable Sunday.