Friday, May 14, 2010

Funky Black, Silver And Green Fabric


to read my mail in a crass error gave emilios click to sort in descending order by date and I noticed that I had unread messages since 2002 (the year when I opened the account), e-pristine expected to be open 8. "Shit, that nostalgia is chasing you up on the internet," he said. My mind immediately goes back to those lads years, I imagine myself as the drawings of disney geeks animals walking and jumping through the streets with an innocent smile as I passed my first years of college. I remembered the wise words of one of my gurus existential Woody Allen quote: life is divided between the horrible and miserable. Those are the main categories [...] It would be horrible ... I do not know, the terminally ill [...] I refer to the blind, the lame [...] And then, how miserable includes every one of us. Is everything. So we have to thank for feeling miserable, because the alternative is worse . So summing up, that time I was happy he was miserable and careless free for life, did not perceive the existence of the other side: the horrible.
Today, it's hard to be the boy of that time, have the same trauma and complex quejón walk by my misfortune. Not if I was in the horrible side, but last year passing away of the miserable, yes. I realized this one evening when I was born in a taxi on the way to hospital, remember it was a Saturday night. He went so gone by my discomfort could barely make out the lights of the lanterns, when we stopped at a corner saw the car pass in front of two friends with the past that went out to party on weekends, they were there following his routine of partying weekend, without realizing that he observed. I knew then I was on the other side, "edge of what, no, but not of the good world miserable.
are strange and incomprehensible dimenciones these changes, places and times, now I'm back to the miserable, so at least I think. And I'm happy about it, but disappointed in myself for not being a good miserable as before.
Returning to the emails, I decided to delete them without reading them I think the past should be only in the memory where you have enough to delight or torment. And tangible reminders abound. I think it's all about the final walk along the edge that you play. Without looking the other way, without feeling either lucky or unlucky. Putting aside
much wandering I leave a couple of songs that hit me hard while writing the post. One in English and half in English.


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