Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Larry Ring Ohio Top Fuel

La Isla de las Flores

threw a plastic bag in a dumpster, I found the unfortunate image of a skinny woman and her daughter five years sifting through crap tackle perhaps searching for something useful for rescue and exchanged for fresh bread . So I got the idea of \u200b\u200bmaking a documentary to talk about this reality, raw and willfully ignored by society, a documentary that is short, sarcastic and funny, whose story encompasses the nature of man and nature also discriminated itself. And just as my face lit up with joy as I remembered that a documentary had already cast for almost 20 years (AUCHH).

La Isla de las Flores, is a unique sample of an undeniable truth that it is worth remembering again and again. For those not familiar with this Brazilian film I leave.


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