the end of this month I will submit to the arduous task of sorting old clothes from my room, a task that had been postponed for some years, more by laziness than by a real appreciation for my few belongings. But given the large amounts of entropy that grew around me - referring to this disorder that was holding me I decided to start a ...- with the painful choice of brands that may still have some use of those which were useless.
discovered with unfortunate that a small percentage of all clothing stored in my closet (about to collapse), was still used, in fact many of the clothes had been completely forgotten and right now that analyzed one by one were again taken by my hands. During the tedious selection (which lasted a few hours) while I took one after another, each piece took me to an instant and short trip to the past, there was the shirt to wear at 15, the shirt that she wore in my early college years, the vest type jacket that I bought as a teenager because it seemed to that used by the Backstreet Boys. In the end I was surprised at the amount of lost memories that had been stuck in my closet half a meter by two feet, and beside it was also catalog which should be discarded and what not. An important rule in this selection was that the clothes would remain in the closet would have to be wearing every day, which none of the garments last met, a small amount could remain boxed for a "possible" future use and the others must be thrown away or given to third parties, for my own admiration, I realized that almost all those clothes he had no go straight to a landfill or a charity so without further hesitation Taucer started on the floor of the room.
was inevitable during the process, project tumult and colorless cloth worn like a shadow of my own life, there were, my childhood, my years of school, college, piling up to go directly to waste. It was as if to expel some demons hiding inside me which longed for but that it was his time to go. All those clothes once was new, with lively colors and seeing its current state now and what we'd done time with them, I wonder if there would be parts of myself and also would have worn?, And therefore also have to be dissolved. But living beings are a unity, we can not let go of our worn parts, we have to take them with us, and as the years pass we are turned into a riot of old and used things.
Not wanting to be fatalistic old I remember a dialogue under the hand Mafalda Quino said: " You do not know if it takes the life or the life that leads one ." Upon completion and putting aside all nostalgia accumulated in the last hours, I left with the image clean and tidy my room, with semi-empty closet with clothes but just to continue with my present life. Then I thought, that should not be so bad if move sometimes is not so bad.