Sunday, December 12, 2010

Ls Magazin 2009 Trailer


The bar in the center of the capital city of Salta, in fact in Córdoba 136, is home to a large sample of comics whose protagonists Kortsarz Eleonora (Open to me, Borrowed Lives, Culebra 2, Marabunta Comics) and Luis Castro (Egoss Comics Workshop) .
It will be seen throughout the month of December. So you know, going to take a good beer in Malverde, will enjoy the work of these two great authors.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Card Game Frustration Instructions

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Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Free Vídeos De Travestis


Merry Christmas is the name of the anime event to be held in Pro - Culture Salta (Mitre 331) on Saturday December 11 from 13 pm.
The advance are priced at $ 10, while the day of the event entry will cost $ 13 at door. There will be tournaments, projections, Yu-Gi-Oh, cosplay, maid cafe, raffles, booths sales, tournament official Magic The Gathering (standard format).
can check the complete schedule Forum Legion 16

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Period Late, Cervix High, Neg Pregnancy Test


For the first time, the artist Mendoza Juampa Comrade begins in Salta to Archi Mega Comics mini clinic for youth and adults in Passion (Balcarce 658).
The same shall be divided into two parts, the first consisting of "mini comic shop" which aims to create their own characters and tell their own stories. simple fast and beautiful are two classes, one on design and another on cartoon character. Hours: Wednesday 18-20 pm / / Saturday from 11 am to 13 pm start on Wednesday November 24 .
The other is a "mini clinic drawing arch" consisting of 3 classes, each class will be practical exercises ranging from cartoon character development, the layout and the script. Hours: Tuesdays and Thursdays 20 to 21:30 Hs kicks off Thursday 25 November

Address: Balcarce 658. Tel: 0387-4220026

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Folding Dumbbell Bench


The Thursday November 18 at 19hs will make the presentation of "Slayer" by Felipe Mendoza is a graphic novel which tells the adventures of a hunter of bloodsuckers framed in a local context.
The place is the Casa de la Cultura, Caseros 460, where you can talk with the author, buy and sign a copy.
Ideal for dismissing this good year comiquero.

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SALTA - PROJECTED THE FILM Ponyo on the Cliff by Hayao Miyazaki

Ponyo is set in a seaside town in which a 5-year-old Sosuke, rescued from a trash-filled breakwater a goldfish named Ponyo who. The friendship between Sosuke and grows to the point Ponyo Ponyo who wants to become human.
This network is the umbrella under which Miyazaki speaks, for example, the relationship between humans and nature, the need for balance between them and the friendship between children and adults.
be screened today Wednesday November 17 at 21:00 in The Guster (
O `higgins 585) . The movie is part of the recommended film series organized by the Cultural Center. Admission is free with a contribution of $ 5 bonus.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Name Bracelets In Disneyland


The fantasy is renewed in this new edition of IMAGINARY , convention fantasy comics and most important of Northern Argentina. Warlords Comics and CEIDAC will be present on 5, 6 and 7 November.

This year's event marks its tenth edition and celebrates a big, present greats of the likes of Rodolfo Migliari (Green Lantern, Wanted), Jorge Lucas (Hunter, Iron Man, Hulk), Ruben Meriggi (Crazy Jack , Hiras Son of Nippur, Conan The Barbarian), Gustavo Sala (Striploin, The Bath) and Wally Gomez.

sites: Home Argañaráz Alcorta, Castro House, Hyperion Books, Adatise and Park West.

All with Free Entry and Free.


Tuesday, October 19, 2010

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SALTA - freaks Creepie - PARTY

As is becoming customary in these parts, October 31 is celebrated "Halloween" in honor of Halloween, if all such bullshit to sell us the Yankees where they dress up, ask candies, horror stories, etc. Yet you can always find an original and fun way to celebrate this event, like dancing all night punchi punchi surrounded by freaks and otaku cosplayer.
This will happen on Saturday October 30 in the complex Asembapras (Catholic University area) from at 22:30 pm, can take the lines 5A, 6B, 7A and 7B. Van
able to enjoy cosplay contest, contest mysterious food, competition and non-alcoholic drinks, mechanical bull and many other games and spooky surprises.
The entrance fee is $ 30 (general) and includes open bar all night. They can buy them on Tuesdays from 10:00 to 12:00 16:00 to 18:00 Thursday and Friday from 10:00 to 12:00 on the side of the chapel of the UNSa, Sundays at the National and Fantasy Clan Square (Plaza Belgrano) will be selling the Lightning on Tuesday and Thursday from 19.15 to 20.15.
is collect the money until the 26th of October, please RSVP via facebook.

Monday, October 18, 2010

7weeks Hiv Test Is It Enough


Summer is approaching, and in comics event promises to be a hot season. The following is the picture of what is coming in the next few months in the North. Salta magazine Warlords Comics will be at these conventions. IMAGINARY

5 to 7 November - Santiago del Estero

Back convention of comics and fantasy genre's most important NOA. This year the novelty conducted in multiple locations, Casa Argañaraz Alcorta, Castro House, Hyperion Books and Wagner Museum, all within the city of Santiago del Estero.

Guests confirmed to date include George Lucas (Hunter, Iron Man, Captain America, Thor), the great cover artist Rodolfo Migliari (Green Lantern, Superman, Wolverine, Wanted), Ruben Meriggi ( Crazy Jack, Conan , the unconquerable Uzan, Hiras son of Lagash Nippur). Also present Wally Gomez and Gustavo Sala cartoonist. Warlords

Comics will have a booth at the event, where you can buy all the issues of the journal. Furthermore Jándula Marcos (Editor Warlords and DIMENSION COMICS coordinator) will provide a talk about self-published in the North and project "holy candles batisetentas Batman!" honoring the anniversary of the Batman. INK

NAKUY 2010
16 to 22 December - Tucumán

's top cartoonists meeting, cartoonists, modellers and North cineanimadores will take place from 16 to 22 December in the city of San Miguel de Tucumán. This year there will be celebrations of the 10 editions of this great convention that promotes creativity, struggle and solidarity of artists from Tucumán and the country.

Like all year the meeting will be held Virla Cultural Center, located in the heart of the capital of Tucumán. The ink is organized by Nakuy UNHIL (Union of Cartoonists and Illustrators), UC! (Union of Cartoonists), Mac Leod Airbrush Workshop, School The Ekeko and Tucumanga Group.

Warlords Comics Magazine will be present in this tenth edition, as it has done on previous occasions. Beyond taking the ninth art Salta, the ink is always a nice excuse to reecontrarnos with our brothers in the neighboring province.

more info:

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Robaxin In Urine How Long

Immigrant Day September 4th, 2010

Sunday, August 29, 2010

How Can Can Marijuana Help You Mentally


On Saturday September 4, to commemorate the Day of the Comic the Egoss Comics Workshop, the Lippe Workshop and the journal invites Comics Warlords after 16.00. the opening of an exhibition tribute to the ninth art. It will be located in Space La Guarda, in Catamarca 253, our capital city, with free admission.

It will present the most important jobs comic artists locally, as well, the guys from the workshops. The public will see original Kortsarz Eleonora (Open to me, Borrowed Lives, Culebra 2, Marabunta Comics), Luis Castro (Egoss Comics Workshop), José Serrudo, and Lippe Mendoza (magazine CONTINUE, Warlords Comics), plus promising young Juan Gimenez , Ismael Gudino, Montellanos Ivan, Fernando Girón and Coby among others. Also, some established in the field worldwide as historietil Nahuel Sagárnaga Salta talent who publishes his work in major U.S. and European publishers.

Throughout the day of the September 4 screenings will take place, highlighting the comic documentary about Argentina Imagineers Daniela Fiore, a short story contest, exhibition of postal allusions, artists live and sale of local publications.

You will collect stories that lead the audience to be donated to Children's Hospital and so bring this wonderful world.

On Day of the Comic .

Around June 2005 a group of friends decided that Argentina would be a good idea to choose a day to celebrate, honor and share the art that everyone enjoyed more: the story.

But the Comic Day be held at a date to be significant for the middle, so to decide, Commission formed Pro the Comic Day (PCHR) that after much discussion decided on the appropriate day.

The CP .
DH chose September 4 because on that date in 1957, coming to newsstands Hora Cero Semanal. In that magazine with dashes of Hector G. Oesterheld boys of the time enjoyed the adventures of West Randall the Killer (with drawings by Arturo del Castillo), the bitter war stories from Ernie Pike (drawn by Hugo Pratt) and an adventure than he had ever seen in part military, part science-fiction happened just around the corner. That story, which drew great detail Francisco Solano López-called El Eternauta.

Celebrate the Day of the Comic means trying to invoke that golden moment of creation and passion. Each September 4 will be the ideal day to give away comic books (all kind of comics), to decorate comiquerías and kiosks, with our imagination to find new ways to celebrate an art that we enjoy and share.

look forward to your assistance. We thank

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Mexicans on Facebook

Thanks to the initiative of our compatriot Joseph Nora are now also on Facebook! Find us on the link !!!!!

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Terms For Parts Pirate Ships

Salta Channel 9 interview with Nora Salta and Salta Gloria

After a good desmañanada enthusiastically attended the Plazoleta Four Centuries to represent the Mexican community in Salta and we were invited by the production of the "Well Informed" First Edition commanded by Lorena Celedon and the conduction of Cecilia Allemand to participate in a cute story to show how it lives on the eve World MEXICO vs ARGENTINA party. Gloria Reyes and Nora
Carreon, discussed their impressions of the much anticipated duel MEXICO vs ARGENTINA, expressing unconditional support for the Mexican with a sense of solidarity and hope to be able to give a good fight and get the party giving the breed.
They wore the shirt of the Mexican, a flag and the immense pride of being Mexican, enjoying the fun interview.
Curiosity did not wait and asked how it was that had come to Salta, which replied that the love for internet and 2 Salta did the same to kick off an intimate love each lived with their husbands now.
mentioned that occasionally Mexicans met to live and ultimately to see the parties of Mexico. Finally
could not miss the club's Chiquitibum classic ... which resonated throughout the center of the city and the few passers-by did not stop turning after Mrs. baton to Mexico.
Not satisfied with the TV interview, a radio reporter who was there I asked for another live interview to a local channel. Asked questions similar and closed with another club "Chiquitibum."

Friday, July 9, 2010

Can You Make Orange Juice In A Blender?

SALTA - DIMENSION COMICS second edition - 15 and July 16

Dimension Comics second edition will be a convention without precedent in the history of the city of Salta. Doubling the bet of the first held in 2009, The Corner Revi and magazine Comics Warlords have the 2010 with a schedule and activities offer a breadth never before seen in history events related to the world of comics, anime (animation from Japan), manga (Japanese name for the cartoon) and fantasy in general. A place that is established as the cultural meeting point for an important segment young people, growing exponentially.

Days 15 and 16 July in facilities Theater Foundation Salta, located in General Guemes 434, Salta Capital, from 14 to 23 hours. you'll see a huge range of diverse activities including live music shows, featuring exclusive CRITICAL HIT the big band covers of anime and games of northern Argentina, contests and parades free of "cosplay" ( characterizations of characters from comics, anime, movies, etc..) with great prizes, video games area, drawing competitions, karaoke, games, role (Board games where you live great adventures) and quizzes, samples of original comics of local and national artists, publishers, trade show booths and many more activities that make up an unforgettable weekend in the winter holidays 2010.
also will feature large Argentine artists who succeed in the publishing market abroad. The artists who visit us this year are:

Ariel Olivetti

official cartoonist and co-creator Punisher Hunter, Olivetti is one of the most respected names in the comic industry in the United States. Born in 1967, it was Fierro magazine's cover artist and has worked, among others in the Justice League series, Sabretooth, Green Lantern and Batman to the powerful American publisher DC Comics.

has worked with various techniques, color, black and white, digital, acrylics and oils. In its first foray into Marvel, Olivetti has drawn X-MAN, DD, Avengers. In 2007 he worked at the WJ Punisher series and 2008 series on cable. Currently holds an exclusive contract with Marvel.

Juan Bobillo

owner of an extensive and solid career as an illustrator and cartoonist, worked with the collection "Classics Illustrated" the newspaper Clarín. Published a series erotic comic magazine Kiss (The Dome), scripted by Ricardo Barreiro. Together with his brother Gabriel Bobillo and Marcelo Sosa partner, created for the magazine ULTRA (Ivrea) a modern classic cartoon Argentina: "Anita, The Executioner's Daughter." His talent was also recognized in USA where he collaborates regularly with Marvel Comics (Mekanix, She-Hulk, Captain America, Agent X). Teaming up with Carlos Trillo has also published "Zachary Holmes (Genii magazine)" Chocolate Chips "(SAF) and" Detective of Sentiments "(Casterman). Currently still draws and teaches in white cassock, the comic and illustration school he founded.

Argentine artist who began his career drawing for Editorial Columba in magazines Tony, Dartagnan, Fantasia, Nippur and Magnum. His most famous characters are Crazy Jack, Wolf, Cyborg, Britannia and AAR.Ha Rodwin done work internationally in USA, such as Conan, for Savage Sword of Conan magazine. Marvel Marvel USA and Italy has produced stunning artwork for SQP is currently working on the unconquerable Uzan. In Europe he has participated for Eura editorial in magazines and Lancio Skorpio Story, with the series Empire and rags, Mansur, Search, and now with Hiras Duende, the son of Lagash Nippur.
Meriggi is managing editor of the magazine cartoon Magma burns and publications coordinator Thalos Editorial. PROGRAM

Friday, June 18, 2010

Krusteaz Pancake Biscuit And Baking Mix

Meeting by Mexico 2-0 France match

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Average Number Of Members In A Gym

Returning from a little beginner tutorial

Here I give you an image that has been doing recently, i was absent a while, trying to get back little by little ... I wanted to pay my little tribute to C & C that since I have consciousness I have always loved that logo ... So without further to the brotherhood of NOD I leave this logo now I have it as desktop wallpaper.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

When When Was Target Brand Towel Made Made

The Epicurus good smoked

I am convinced that Proustian moments come when these or very drunk or very tired. As more than one year will not drink (not by choice but by my doctor), I had to wait for the shit well stirred and crushed body to get those expressions of grim reality. One in particular came yesterday while chatting with a friend. We talked about our work situations, it turns out we were both due to unemployment on the brink of infamy and prostitution, we list the work in which we had dismissed as stray dogs, along with the jobs they had rejected for not having a proposal according to our expectations survival and freedom. The conversation drifted into a long description of the "dream job" from my dear friend, plus a very extensive expose his "geek life plan." And when my patience ended and I prepared to turn off the pc and go to see an old-fashioned section of the brain to awaken simpsoms soaked, my friend came out with a question that I broke the balls leaving anon: "And you, what plans for the future? ". Surely my friend expected the same ultra-sappy spiel he said, but no, not just in case the question had gone through my innocent head. For a few moments I and my hamster brain we were tempted to think seriously, but in a small search in my database I found the perfect answer: "Look here brother, quoting Epicurus I think the future ... and depends entirely on us, nor we are totally unrelated, so we should not wait as if it had to come nor despair infallibly as if there never come ... ", to which my friend replied:" Jah ???", which time advantage to go on msn.
Already after my neurons were relaxed while watching television one hundred thousand five hundred times I thanked the good of Epicurus to let those words so wise that save from the catastrophe the likes of I, which shit easily let the day go thinking bullshit.
As they say, sometimes it's good to think, but most times not at the moment my main goal in life is to get a laburo give me enough to give me something to put the crop from time to time and get the recipe for the cheese roll. I personally find it a waste of time reflecting on the future go, God or death. Especially in the latter, I think of all the problems that can result in death, the least serious is killing us. Because breaking balls to go whole life trying to escape death, there are many who forget to live.
In order to finalize the post, I leave my aphorism bookmark this Greek philosopher and a song 5 stars.
"Get used to think that death is nothing to us. For every good and evil lies in the sensation, and death is the privation of feeling. Therefore, the right knowledge that nothing is for death makes us happy the mortal condition of our lives, not because you add an unlimited period, but it eliminates the desire for immortality. Nothing, therefore, fearless in living for those who rightly understood that nothing terrible in not living there. (Letter to Meneceo , 124) "

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Shamrock Wedding Cake


The brothers are united,
Because that's the first law;

Be True Union in whatever time,
Because if they fight among
The devouring of ajuera.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Heat Gradient Calculation

The third is never as good

There are many small things I learned through experience, as it moves down the best of a rolling foot hill, or that the outlet holes are not used as thimbles, and among them one of the most important is that when it comes to movies about super-heroes and their third parts, the results are catastrophic. This lesson comes to me now that I just found out that Christopher Nolan is preparing the third part of the new saga of Batman. We all know that I represent orgasm movie The Dark Knigt, with that nihilistic psychopath Joker under the skin of Heath Ledger, a Harvey Dent maimed both physically and mentally to agree on the perfect Two-Face, which appear without a lot of time Because screen printing ten thousand times better than the swill played by Tommy Lee Jones (of which more later). This coupled with an aggressive and epic sound track accompanying a circular argument that since that first image formed by the Batman logo in chaos until the silhouette of the Dark Knight lost to light a highway, make the best film about super heroes I've seen so far to say ... ohh ... sublime.
So the third part of this series is one of the challenges that are dense and turbulent, much more considering the curse of "third parties". Among the large repertoire of disappointment is in the list mentioned three, which dashed to a greater extent than the others, weak illusions that I had to see a decent adaptation. Batman Forever

Both "Batman" and "Batman Returns" both by Tim Burton, had brought back the real Batman, the dark hero of Gotham City, leaving behind the Batman sissy blue mesh the 60, but the scripts for both films were very faithful to the comic we say and the imagination of Burton inserted into the book moved a bit the true essence of hooded. It was more than could be expected, and also the best that had been done in a matter of adjustments so far.
still do not quite understand why, Warner executives decided to remove and replace Burton with Schumacher's stubborn, dial to make a movie more "family" family "?, No no no, it was the beginning of the end. First we took to Michael Keaton, Val Kilmer do not say that did not give the paper, but it belonged Keaton's character Bruce Wayne, he had won. In the end it was the least severe, was decadent destroy the image of Batman, the vigilante was no longer quiet and dark, but a masked Rambo, and not only that. The suit had also changed, now was a kind of armor that marked sexy abs and nipples Guacala! And for more fuck Robin got a story quite grown up and pulled the rebel. Instead of occupying the post of assistant super-hero seemed to her sexual partner. Finally, we have yet to worst. Now come the villains.

What are these two:

That reminds me

No, I would have preferred to see Jim Carrey in Mask 2 than in the role of the Riddler, and does not even mention the Two-Face railed by Tommy Lee Jones. In short, the best thing to do after watching Batman Forever is given in the head with an anvil in the hope to forget. And from there go straight to see "Batman Begins."

X-Men: The Last Stand

always thought that the world was not yet ready for an adaptation of X Men, but roughly the first half was passable and a successful deal. The second is another thing, there really was an evolution, and mutual plot to show a movie 5 stars, Bryan Singer was able to give each mutant a stage with mathematical efficiency, in addition to the first step to one of the best sagas, of the Phoenix, the last scene where you see the silhouette of the bird of fire under the alkaline lake was almost too amazing and left you clamoring for a sequel. Yet again the greedy hands of hollywood balls to be responsible for another good story, the Fox executives pulled Singer to replace Brett Ratner, recontra-fucking the dark phoenix saga leaving in place for this chick should have been part of the night of the dead living.

What horror!, And not least, we put a frame that has no rhyme or reason, but afflict so much but (we kill key characters like Cyclops!) That leave not even the hope of a sequel to fix the bullshit army. Spiderman 3

Of all the sequels ruined man Spiderman 3 is the one I hurt, seriously, it was personal, he left a deep imprint on my subconscious and it took me 5 kilos of antacids. This time no change to the director or screenwriter, or the actors. It was the same rotten shit group came to the club for all fans of wall-crawler. I was a faithful follower of the previous films, is further defended when there were people who criticize them, do not miss any of the premiers and smiled like an idiot in front of the screen, ignoring the rudeness and Macanita that from time to time Sam was sent Raimi. And for what, so that after much delay, this monumental crap out. For the thousand devils!, Would be the first time carried Venom to the big screen, the best villains I've ever known in the comic world and with it the saga of the "black suit", years of waiting, only to receive a low blow, followed by nausea and a colossal passionate desire to become a terrorist.
The first mistake was to increase the level of whining from Peter Parker, in the previous films, say within the ranges had been "tolerable", but this time they passed his hand. It is true that in the comic Parker's character was at times, silent, introverted and kind, but it was not at all a cowardly geek who seems to wet their pants. However what was more humiliating to see this my character favorite version of "bad"

No further comment. Ending

should say that we just do macumba for Nolan break the curse of the "third parties" and leave us with a movie, maybe not better than The Dark Knight, but at least with a decent following.

PS: since this post is quite long and was made in a short time, I'm sure must have endless misspellings and other inconsistencies, so, I apologize. Yesterday