Thursday, May 28, 2009

Nintendo Star Points List Of Games

Change of address of the Consulate in Cordoba Father's Day

Greetings to all. Reproduce the information provided on the website of the Embassy: ç

19 May 2009

The Embassy of Mexico reports that as of June 1, the Honorary Consulate of Mexico in Córdoba relocate his residence to the street Ayacucho 330 , 1st floor A. The days and hours will remain unaffected.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Is It Safe To Pay Movie

Greetings everyone, here and there =). The meeting of the mother left much joy to all who share so that the date for the third Saturday in June (20), ie the day before Father's Day is celebrated in both countries the third Sunday in June . We hope to get together but on this occasion and attended by "all we are =). So be clearing the agenda for the third Saturday in June, see you!

Monday, May 11, 2009

Propylene Glycol On The Hair


Monday, May 4, 2009

How To Congratulate A Bar Mitzvah

Mother's Day May 10 Mother's Day

Greetings to all. We in the door Mother's Day. Most countries celebrate this important day in May. In our country is celebrated on October 10. During the morning of May 10th is a tradition that many people go to them serenade their mothers, whether you have hired a trio, and even mariachi band, or having met several people to go to sing for the mothers, others use this time to give a gift. It is also customary for mothers to festivals in schools, where students dance, perform a few songs, make any representation, others tell a few jokes, all so that moms have a great time watching your kids doing something for them . In many schools students make some crafts before they reach the Mother's Day either a decoration for the house, some embroidered detail to give to their moms on 10 May.

Many family occasion to celebrate moms, organize to take a few dishes and eat together, then gave him gifts and tries to spend as much time as possible with her mother to honor her at the time.